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Tuesday 19 June 2012

North America is a BIG place

The continental United States is 2680 miles East-West and 1582 miles North-South (source: It's border with Canada spans over 3000 miles, with Mexico nearly 2000 miles and it has a land mass of over 3.5 million square miles.  That's a lot of country! You can't embark on a journey of this kind without at least a rough plan of where to go. So here's the rough plan...

We arrive in Washington D.C. on June 29th and will spend the first week or so travelling up the east coast by Greyhound bus. Washington - Philadelphia - Boston then back to New York for July 9th to pick up the camper van that will be our home for the next 4 months. By the way, our van will be a mobile piece of art. We don't know what it will look like but you can check out the designs at here .

From NYC we will head north again to Niagara then round the Great Lakes to Chicago where we will turn south towards Nashville (well, since they were so kind to name it after us, it would be rude not to go visit!) We'll probably visit Indianapolis and maybe Cincinnati along the way, depends what's going on and what mood we're in.  From Nashville we'll head over the Appalachians to Charlotte and down to Savannah. Then it's west to Atlanta to visit some friends before heading down to the Gulf coast and Mobile, New Orleans (!!) and all points west through to Houston and San Antonio.

We'll be stopping in Dallas to visit some folks and the plan gets a little fuzzy for a while.  We're generally going to head north up the line of the Rockies to Denver and Boulder but  may head over to Phoenix via Carlsbad,Tucson and Tombstone first. From Boulder we'll keep heading north towards Yellowstone National Park then cross the Rockies. We hope to get as far north as Portland but it really depends how much time we have left.  From there it's Pacific Highway 1 south, via San Fransciso and a detour to Yosemite National Park, to Los Angeles where we drop off the van on November 5th. We're renting a beach house in San Diego for a few days, so that we can get used to living in a house again, before returning home from LA on Nov 12th.

So there you go, it's something like 7500 miles across 27 states, visiting 30 major cities and who knows how many national landmarks.  No telling how the plan will change and evolve as we progress. It's an adventure, and that's kind of the point.

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I love this!!! You are going to have so much fun and so many adventures! What a ride this will be....woohoo! Thank you for taking us with you on your journey. I will be waiting for and hanging on every visual word!

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