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Wednesday 8 August 2012

What's been your favorite place so far?

So far we've driven around 2500 miles, visited 14 states and 1 Canadian province. We've visited some old friends and made new ones.  We've seen some beautiful cities and some truly amazing natural wonders.  There is no favorite, every day is amazing and almost every place has something special...maybe catching a fish

....a beautiful sunset or a moonlit sky....

...or maybe meeting the story teller who became a Park Ranger

The best we can do is share some of the highlights.

The first section of our tour we've called 'The Great Lakes'.  It took us from Ithaca to Niagara, then via London, Ontario (Canada) to various parks in Michigan (much underrated state Michigan so go if you get the chance) and the amazing sand dunes in Sawyer on the shore of Lake Michigan.  Hard to imagine this is by a fresh water lake so big it has 'tides' and currents just like a sea. One day calm as a mill pond, the next with rollers so big you could almost body surf.

Niagara was our first natural wonder, almost a water based theme park.  There are higher waterfalls, but you can't help but be amazed by the sheer power and volume of water.  The equivalent of 1 million bathtubs full of water EVERY second.  We saw it from above and below, on the water and almost in it.

We got wet...a lot...but it was great fun on a hot day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
Loving the commentary.
Trevor did your scare the fish onto the hook with the facial hair?
I am only jealous as I can't grow it that long even on my head.
Keep them coming guys
Regards Daryl ( ex partner in crime)

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