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Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Land of Contrasts

Today we drove through part of Wyoming and were amazed at the contrasts we saw along the way.  Straw coloured rolling hills, lush green valleys, mountains, mesas and rocks of every hue.  It kind of encapsulated many of the environments we've seen on our trip.  So this is a photo blog, starting in Asheville NC to try to show you what we mean. (You have no idea how difficult it has been choosing these pictures from the hundreds we have taken!)

Let's start you off gently with the woodlands and streams of Asheville. Lovely and cool.

Now we're taking you southwest through Georgia, first to Atlanta...

Lake Lanier
 ...then further east to Savannah.  (The Spanish Moss is a dead give away isn't it)

 An unplanned detour further south into northern Florida and the Atlantic coast...
Fernandina Beach
 ...before heading west through the widest part of Florida where it got kinda woody for a while.
near Talahassee, Florida

Keep heading west along the Emerald Coast in NW Florida (it rained most of the time so no pics, sorry) Then into Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.
The Bayous of Mississippi
 Now you're heading west to Houston, Texas which is more like Louisiana than most people think.
Brazos Bend near Houston
Continuing west to San Antonio then heading north up to Dallas.

Dallas is greener than you think.
From Dallas through West Texas and South East New Mexico it's all pretty flat desert.  A hard rocky place, not sand dunes like the Sahara.
Flat, dry, rocky desert.  zzzzzzzzzzz
Or sometimes, hilly desert like near Carlsbad, New Mexico...
People once lived in them thar hills
...until you hit the Sangre de Christo Mountains near Las Vegas, New Mexico. The very southern end of The Rockies.  Feels a bit more comfy now doesn't it.

Another place of contrasts because not far away there are the High Plains. Remember the Santa Fe trail from old Westerns?  You can still see the ruts made by all those wagon trains.
Fort Union overlook
 Once you leave the Sangre de Christo and travel further north it starts to get a little bit more interesting.

Then you hit the New Mexico/Colorado border around Chama and you feel like you are in The Alps. Yodelayeehoo!

Heading northwest into Colorado, the scenery changes again.  The mountains are still there in the background...

...but you start seeing strange, rocky outcroppings...
Chimney Rock, Colorado

 ...and Mesas...
Mesa Verde, Colorado
 ...which are in complete contrast to the plains below.
View from Mesa Verde
Head west into Arizona and through Monument Valley to Utah.  It's like driving on Mars!!!

Keep going and you'll hit to Arches National Park...
Wilson Arch
 ...where you'll start seeing shapes in the rock.
Bird kissing a pig??
Feeling a bit hot and bothered? Let's head back into Colorado then. But before you start to relax we'll drop you into the Black Canyon of the Gunneson near Montrose.

Feeling a little dizzy? Well let's head back towards The Rockies and a view that looks a little more like home.

You look a bit exhausted so go get a cup of tea and take a nap.  We get to do it all over again tomorrow!!


Mary Ann said...

Amazing tour there folks! Contrasts everywhere!

Tracy said...

Some fantastic scenery there. Perhaps the yodelling needs a little work! x

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