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Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Tri-City Tour - Philadelphia

Now Philly was more our kind of town.  Old and new side by side, historic and commercial all jumbled up. Loved it!  Our hotel was handily placed right near Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell but we again opted for the open top bus ticket to get about. Temperatures still up in the high 90s but the city afforded us a lot more shade. We dutifully attended the Independence Hall tour where our nationality was quickly discovered much to the delight of the other visitors.  Here, we were told, we would hear the truth about the war of Independence.  Cheek!  

Also visited the Reading (!) Market under the old railway station, great place for food of all sorts including Bassetts Ice Cream which was amazing. 

The timing of our visit was no coincidence as we could not think of a better place to spend the 4th of July than in the birthplace of the republic. (Just for information, July 4th is when the Declaration of Independence was agreed by congress, not actually signed) Festivities started with the Philly Pops playing in front of Independence Hall the night before.  Very chilled affair with picnics and blankets on the grass. The music filled the air stirring everyone's patriotism (much waving of flags) all topped off with the 1812 overture. Can't help thinking that we Brits do the pomp and circumstance bit just that little bit better.

On the day itself there was of course a parade. The temperature once again broke the 100 degree mark and you just had to feel for those in the parade out in full sunlight in some heavy costumes. 

Bless them, they kept going right to the very end.  Many thanks to local convenience store chain WAWA for the free bottles of iced tea and lemonade handed out along with flags and hats to every passer by, even the English ones!

Then it was off to the Parkway for an afternoon and of music, fun and competitions with the Jam in the Park through the evening. The finale of course was the 4th of July fireworks which were nothing short of spectacular and seemed to go on forever. 

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